Monday 21 October 2013

Today is looking good!

I am off to see Graham today. This will involve a drive to Essex and I am taking Ollie TW with me for the ride as he absolutely loves being in the car. Graham is going to become a Gold Customer with Utility Warehouse Discount Club and he is likely to save a lot of money by doing this.
I signed up last month and have not looked back.
When I get back to Canterbury I will go into the town centre with my Professional Will Planning stall. This is the last week I will be going to the town centre on a Monday. I booked 4 sessions on a trial basis. They have gone really well so I will definitely book up again in the spring but I figured that people are unlikely to want to stand and talk to me about writing their wills in the freezing cold rain.
I have found a number of possible indoor venues to market both my businesses and I will be trying to book them later this afternoon.
I really enjoy planning out how I am going to approach my businesses and I love spending more time at home.
Ollie TW is also delighted about this as he gets more 'walkies' and gets to spend more time curled up next to me!
This evening I am off to see my friend Jon. I haven't seen him for ages. It will be very good to catch up!

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