Sunday 15 December 2013

making a difference

Tiny things make a difference. Every tiny step you take in the right direction moves you closer to achieving your dreams.
Some people are in a dark place right now and have little or no room left in their thoughts to dream. This is an unpleasant but not a hopeless place to be. There will be a tiny spark of hope lodged away somewhere  and it can be ignited into a small flame which can rapidly develop into a hot fire! I believe this to be true for everyone.
You can be the match to relight that fire for them.
When life gets tough and people feel saturated in gloom they need help, understanding and support to revive their hope and optimism. They don't need someone to do everything for them or to tell them what to do or what their dreams or goals should be.
Deep down inside they know what their hopes and dreams are. All they need is someone to care and to give them a little bit of their time to listen to them with no strings attached.
I think that is all any of us really need to help us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on along our life path.
You don't know who you touch every day as you go about living your own life. Just a tiny act of kindness to one person can really make all the difference to them. In turn once they are back on track they will be in a position to help someone. I think this is how the World works and it is wonderful.

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