Friday 20 December 2013


It is my Mum's birthday tomorrow. It is a special day for me as it is a day when I think of Mum and the unique individual person she was.
A letter arrived today. It was from a school friend of hers that I met once when I was little.
It was great to read about her memories of Mum and the fun they had when they were kids.

I was in a church today with the students from school. They took part in a service especially for them and they sang Silent Night. there is something special about that song. It really gets to me.
I am not a regular church goer and I don't follow any one particular religion but I do appreciate the wonder and awe of our universe and the amazing things that happen when you least expect them to. Life is an adventure filled with twists and turns and above all life is precious.
We all sang together in the church and I must say it made me feel quite emotional.
The Solstice approaches. The shortest day and the longest night.
This time is a time for reflection and thinking about family.
I love this time of year and I love my family.

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