Saturday 16 November 2013

Don't look back!

When we are very young most of us have firm ideas about what we want to be and have no awareness of perceived barriers or limitations that prevent us from achieving our ambitions.

As we get older we are given advice from a large number of people. Some of that advice is good and some of it is less helpful. It is good to remember that people have their own motivation for saying what they say and may not always have your best interests at heart.
The difficulty for all of us is to know who to believe when people make criticisms about us whether those criticisms are constructive or otherwise. When we are at school a 'throw away ' comment from a teacher can be taken 'as Gospel' if we admire and respect the person concerned.
A teacher may tell you that you are good at Art and bad at PE and this then becomes true for you because if you believe what that teacher says you will also believe yourself to be good at Art and bad at PE and this is then likely to become a self fulfilling prophecy.

I think that we owe it to ourselves to really work out what makes us happy and then work out how we can achieve that happiness more frequently in our lives. If this means that we need to learn a new skill then naturally we can be scared of taking the risk that if we learn a new skill we may not be good at it but if we never take that risk we will never know.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” 
- Henry Ford

This quote is often used so may be seen as 'over-worked' but I think that this is because it is so true. It is a real gem that deserves to be used as often as possible so that everyone can benefit from these wise words.

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