Saturday 2 November 2013

Yesterday was fun!

Yesterday I took Ollie on extra walkies. I then drove to my caravan and spent time there before dropping by to visit my old work colleagues at the homes and then onto meeting Paul and Christabel for coffee. Following this I went to Christabel's for something to eat and while I was there the heavens must have opened as when we went to my car the roads were flooded with water spurting out of the drains!
The weird thing was I was almost completely unaware that it had been raining as it may have been drizzling as we went into the house but we did not hear a heavy downfall while we were in the house.

I am fascinated and impressed by the extremes of weather we have in UK. I know we moan about it but I wouldn't swap it. When the sun comes out after a long period of dullness it is just so wonderful and when it is raining and the sun brakes out for a second and you see a rainbow that is just one of the most miraculous sites you can see!

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